Sunday, June 15, 2008

Put yourself first.

Are you one of those people who doesn't have time to workout? You have to work and pick up the kids and make dinner and help your friends with whatever endeavor they encounter. You HAVE to run here or there on a particular day or time that happens to fall on the day you are supposed to exercise. Well I am going to be blunt, either you are lazy or you don't feel that YOU and your health are a higher priority than everything else. This is neither healthy or commendable. The martyr like attitude of putting yourself last is self destructive and mentally unhealthy. What happens later in life when all the things and people you put first either aren't there or don't put you high on their list of priorities? For many people, this happening causes them to feel lost and without a purpose.

If you don't want this to be you than start putting yourself first. The best place to start is with exercise. Why? Because 1) it doesn't take much time. Twenty minutes is enough. 2) Exercise is a great tool to help you gain more self worth and confidence. As this happens, you will be better able to decide when and why you have to put yourself first. Your self esteem will be much higher, you will feel better and have more energy and your quality of life will be much higher.

Believe it or not, exercise can change your life! I know it sounds crazy, but it is true. I have seen men and women who had confidence or self esteem issues and who are in unhealthy and even abusive relationships turn their lives around. Where have I seen this? In the gym! Clients I have trained who made the decision to start exercising and put themselves first gained self confidence and self worth. They feel better about themselves and gain the confidence to get out of their unhealthy and abusive relationships. That is life changing!

I used to have a client who hated his job. He was a quiet guy who was a little overweight but had a habit of skipping workouts for his job or other so called reasons like having a thing to go get for his wife who hated him spending money on a trainer. After a year and a half of working out, he got better at keeping his appointments and met all his fitness goals. In this time and shortly after, he left his mentally abusive wife, got a higher paying job he loved and started dating a really cute girl who adored him. That's life changing!

These examples have all stemmed from the decision of putting themselves first for at least 30 minutes a few times a week! So what can you gain from exercising? You decide! With the confidence and self worth you gain, you will be more able to accomplish anything that you want. So ask yourself, is exercising that bad when compared to everything you can gain from it.? I hope this inspires you to take the first step in putting yourself first.. If you have any comments or questions email me at


Tami said...

Woohoo! First to leave a comment!

I did a post about you - check it out!!

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

Came over to check out your site on your sister's advice.

Both my dh (dear husband) and I have these issues you posted about.

We so need to get out of these ruts!Your site is encouraging! Way to post!

THanks again for sharing this "life changing" info!
Keep up the great work!

Amy Plumb said...

Your sis told me to check this out.
This is great!

I'll have to add you to my blog roll. Yes, I make excuses all the time why I don't exercise and my son the "fitness nut" gets on me all the time.

Maybe your blog will help the cause.

Deanna said...

I just ran across your blog and love what I have read. I am going to bookmark your site.